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This file contains number of students and the corresponding graduation rate of students who receive a regular high school diploma at the end of their high school matriculation. There may be up to three graduation rates for a given school year. The 4-year rate represents the number of students who graduate with a regular diploma within 4 years of enrolling as a first-time freshman (9th grader). The 5-year rate represents the number of students who graduate with a regular diploma within 5 years of enrolling as a first-time freshman. The 6-year rate represents the number of students who graduate with a regular diploma within 6 years of enrolling as a first-time freshman. Because the 5- and 6-year graduation rates include those students who graduated within 4 years, the 5- and 6- year rates will generally be larger than the 4-year graduation rate.


This file contains two enrollment statistics for a given school year. First, it shows the end-of-year enrollment, which contains any actively enrolled student in a Delaware public school for at least one day. Since end-of-year enrollment allows for student movement between schools, students entering schools from out of state, and students leaving schools, the total number of students are not meant to reflect the actual number of students enrolled at any point-in-time. End-of-year enrollment is meant to show the total number of students being educated within the public school system within a school year. The second key statistic is Fall enrollment. This snapshot is taken at the beginning of each school year to help the state properly allocate resources to schools. Fall enrollment is generally smaller than end-of-year enrollment.


This file contains the number of students reported as part of the official dropout statistics within a given school year. The file contains the number of dropouts, the students enrolled and the corresponding dropout rate.


This file contains the number of students who have received at least one disciplinary action of in-school suspension, out-of-school suspension, or expulsion within a given school year. The file also contains the number of students enrolled and the corresponding percentage of students who received a disciplinary action.


This file contains the number of actively enrolled students (as of June), their average days of enrollment, average days absent, and the percentage of students deemed chronically absent within a given school year. The definition of chronically absent as defined by the U.S. Department of Education can be found by searching their website,


This file contains the number of tested students, proficient students, and the corresponding proficiency rate for the key annual assessments administered during a given school year.


This file contains the number of eligible students, tested students, and the corresponding participation rate for the key annual assessments administered during a given school year.


This file contains the list of active education organizations within the Delaware public education system. These include physical school buildings as well as logical organizations that do not directly serve students, such as school district offices and the State of Delaware. The numerical values found in the District Code and School Code columns are found consistently throughout the other education-related open data files. This file also contains the physical address, longitude, and latitude, if applicable.


The Government Support Services (GSS) office within Office of Management of Budget (OMB) administers statewide central contracts for use by state agencies, school districts, and municipalities. This dataset provides line item spend data as reported by vendors awarded central contracts through monthly submission of vendor usage reports.


Individuals who are excluded from Delaware Casinos


A listing of acronyms often used in state and federal activities in Delaware.


This dataset contains a list of proposed datasets for publication on the Open Data Portal that Executive Branch agencies have identified per Governor's Executive Order # 18. This proposed dataset list is a working list and will be modified as more datasets are identified or the status of publishing the dataset is determined. DISCLAIMER: This list is not a commitment that the Open Data Portal or the State of Delaware will publish any or all of these proposed datasets. It may be determined at a later time that there is an inability to publish the dataset due to a determination that it cannot be made publicly available due to data classification, law or regulation, unavailability of the data to be obtained due to technical constraints, or other reason.


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